Thursday | January 14 | 2021 | 6:30 PM
Thursday | January 14 | 2021 | 6:30 PM
See A Need
Cultural relations is a common buzz word used around corporate America for decades. However, understanding and acknowledging some of the steps that can be taken can be challenging.
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Fill A Need
Project Status: Active
Binchmark has taken on creating a campaign and platform that provides trainable steps in bettering cultural relations in almost any social environment.
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The Recommit America Campaign is an innovative campaign formed shortly after the historic 2020 global protests. We uplift everyday people from different cultures and backgrounds while providing resources to rebuild communities to be stronger together.
Brand Milestones
City of Petersburg
Police Department
Office Of The Police Chief
Chief Kenneth A. Miller
Petersburg Bureau of Police
37 E. Tabb Street
Petersburg, VA 23803
August 7, 2020
Mr. Chance Wilson
P.O. Box 68393
Virginia Beach, VA 23471
Dear Mr. Wilson,
This letter is intended to serve as a thank you for your company’s assistance as our leadership team moves forward. After the first session the impression of the staff was “when do we get to see session two”. Some of the topic points were, your challenge of them to do more in the community and enough is never enough, you inspired personal goal from each to develop for the community and most of all you reached community leaders with a corporate delivery and that was refreshing.
The culture today desires change, yet they don't know what change looks like or even what it’s supposed to be, I believe with your out of the box delivery along with your business style will make it easy for law enforcement to connect. The staff spoke openly about session two but with the same passion, you were open, honest, and delivered a call to action. It stressed leadership at the lowest level something I’ve been trying sense I arrived in Petersburg. In short both sessions were spot on, and very well received. Thanks again for your help and I hope other agencies will get the benefits I received from your company.
Kenneth A. Miller