Thursday | January 14 | 2021 | 6:30 PM
Thursday | January 14 | 2021 | 6:30 PM

Thursday | January 14 | 2021 | 6:30 PM

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Vision 2021 is designed from the ground up to be no-frills and no fluff substance to get the job done. You will be overtaken by an appreciation for the level of excellence you will experience from the leaders of this event.
Dr. Joseph Umidi serves as Executive Vice President and Professor at Regent University, has also served as Interim Dean and Professor during his thirty-two years of service. He has researched and discovered keys to accelerate student retention and has trained all the University staff in developing a retention culture. During this tenure, he has served in senior leadership roles of several churches. He is Founder and President of Lifeforming Leadership Coaching, Inc., a Coach Training organization worldwide led mostly by alumni in 25 countries and 14 languages.
He has authored numerous articles and books dealing with Organizational, and Personal Transformation and is working in the community and international transformation strategies in developing nations. He is married to Marie, Founder & President of TMCJ, Inc., and the delighted grandparents of three grandchildren.