Thursday | January 14 | 2021 | 6:30 PM
Thursday | January 14 | 2021 | 6:30 PM
Public Speaker • Business & Venture Strategist • CEO, Binchmark
Download my Binchmark E-Book and learn more about myself and share with others. Thank you.
I've rediscovered my love of childhood love of cooking.
During the pandemic has allowed me to pay more attention to the ideas I've left on the table. Now I've dedicated time throughout the week that I invest into building out the concepts I've left behind. Some of these concepts have a business purpose, but others are just for myself. Such as my joy of cooking and the peace and focus I get from preparing a dish as you'll see in my features.
Moving development forward for professionals.
There are so many milestones I can mention since we've launched Binchmark online. However, the one that stands out the most is the development of dedicated membership to entrepreneurs and professionals. A membership that supports their endeavors through the services they need, resources that can be difficult to find and support they need. Check out the Binchmark Membership today.